
Tippit Festival: The non-linearity of creativity

Non-adjacent creative disciplines can come together to inspire one another. Tippit Festival is a self-initiated, university-sponsored 2-day creative forum for studying designers, illustrators, photographers and alike to exchange ideas and stories on the process of their work.

Inspired by personal experiences at Forward Festival 2018 in Hamburg, and having floated the idea of doing an event of a similar calibre with friends, Tippit Festival was born as a non-profit student-run creative forum.

From planning to marketing to execution, the year-long project was part business enterprise, part marketing effort, and part identity-design exercise.

With the theme of ‘forth and back’, the festival and its talks and workshops focused on highlighting the messy nature of the creative process, regardless of discipline or industry. The identity system embraces that very spirit through bold hand-crafted illustrations, brash scripts, and a pun-filled tone of voice.

University of Europe for Applied Sciences
Emre Aydogan, Jan-Philip Preuß, Jonas Vogt, Marta Póltrak, Ourania Karampati, Sophia Gregg
Jonas Vogt
Bernadette Schweihoff, Laura Diezler, Jonas Vogt
Emre Aydogan, Anna Permesang, Nora Bruchertseifer
